Saturday, January 25, 2020

Gambling Addiction: Compulsive or Pathological Gambling Essay -- Compu

I am very interested in how a person could psychologically and physically feel the need to gamble. It interests me that a compulsion could turn into physical want and pain if the compulsion isn’t fulfilled. This could actually be classified as an addiction, which some people would also classify it as a disease. People gamble for many different reasons. Some people do it for the excitement in which it will make them feel a release of adrenaline. Another reason why some people do it is because they are very competitive and they want to feel the burst of energy that they would possibly get from beating other players or even the dealer. Another thing that pulls them in would be the risk of it all. They make a high dollar bet and the moments in between that bet being placed and the outcome send a thrill throughout their body, wondering what the outcome will be. Some people believe that if they gamble, they will be able to solve financial issues such as not being able to pay monthly bills, alimony, child support, foreclosure, etc. Other people find gambling can be a way that they run from stress and they feel that they don’t have the need to worry about life’s issues. With gambling being an addiction, people will make excuses as to why they do it. Gambling is a lot like drinking alcohol. Some people argue that doing any gambling, like drinking any alcohol, is a bad thing and will only lead to problems that will build up and become much worse. Other people argue that doing sensible gambling in moderation, like drinking in moderation, is perfectly acceptable and a safe thing to do. They do, however, have some rules that make the sensible gambling seen â€Å"okay† to them. Here are some of the rules. Some people believe that you need to sta... you wish there was something more that you could do to help. It is hard for people to admit to having this problem so there are probably more people out there then we would ever know. Works Cited Foundation, M. H. (2011). Gambling. Retrieved from Mental Health Foundation: Health, W. (2009). Gambling. Retrieved from Women's Health: Jean Segal, M. S. (2013, July 13). Gambling Addiction & Problem Gambling: Warning Signs and How to Get Help. Retrieved from Helpguide: Roxanne Dryden-Edwards, M. (2013, Novemeber 26). Gambling Addiction (Compulsive or Pathological Gambling). Retrieved from MedicineNet:

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Imperial Presidency Essay

The Imperial Presidency The Imperial Presidency is a term that was created and made known by Arthur Schlesinger. The term is defined as a belief that the presidency is becoming too powerful. The modern president has many powers that the founding fathers did not intend for them to have. This increase in power has started ever since the formation of president Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, and World War II. The term conveys a president that has imperial powers and is authoritarian. The president can make many decisions that the founding fathers did not intend for him to have the power to make. This includes calling a state of emergency, and declaring war without putting it through congress first. These powers are not necessarily bad but they can be taken advantage of. This violates the role the founding fathers intended congress to have. They intended congress to be the center of decision-making. The modern president also has a large Executive staff. It is the president’s staff making big decisions on his behalf that has caused the president to become more powerful. Presidents also have the right to secrecy and they can withhold any information they want from the public. One historical example of Imperial presidency would have to be the role of Colonel Oliver North in the funding to the Contras in Nicaragua, under the presidency of Reagan. This was a huge contravention of a United States Congressional ban, and exemplifies just how much influence and power one member of a large White House staff could have. This was a huge disaster for Reagan and the Government of the United States since it had been â€Å"illegally financing a civil war of the Contra guerrillas against the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. According to the constitution, the president is Command and Chief of the military forces of the United States. Therefore he is able to declare war at any time, without the consent of congress. This is one of the most powerful powers that the president holds. The president also has the power to sign or veto all legislative bills passed by the congress. Thus giving him more power than congress, which is not what is ideally supposed to be, unless Congress over-rides the veto by a two-thirds vote. These are two formal owers that the president uses in order to promote imperial presidency. There are many informal powers that the president uses to expand his role as an imperial president. One of them is the fact that the president has more access to information, knowledge, or expertise than Congress does. This once again puts the president in ahead of congress in being the most powerful. Another informal power the president has is the power to make an executive agreement. An Executive Agree ment is the pact made by the president with heads of foreign nations. They do not need congressional approval. So congress would not have a say in these agreements. Personally, I do believe that the imperial Presidency does exist. It is no news that the president’s executive staff has gradually increased since Roosevelt. These staff members that hold personal loyalty to the president, have powers that they were never intended to have. The power that the White House Chief to Staff position holds is nothing that ever was in the past presidents of the earlier centuries. The large number of officials surrounding the president and only listening to him, along with many other examples, suggests that an imperial presidency certainly does exist. I do believe that an imperial presidency is very necessary right now in the 21st century. The world is becoming more and more powerful, and our country needs a kinglike leader to lead it or else congress will never decide on anything. Congress is now a party based body of government. Their actions tend to focus of what is best for their party rather than what is best for the country.